With my extra time I decide to do cardio. Dynamic Core is practically exclusively muscle training so this really should be a habit, but often times I feel lazy after work. I opt for the same elliptical that I used yesterday when I kicked butt. I hop on and start doing that thing. After a minute and I half I start to notice this we're squeaking and clicking noise over the sound of my jams. I take out my headphones to find the source of this annoying sound.
Lo and behold, it's coming from my elliptical machine. And then I start to second guess the stability of the machine and I begin to think that I may die if I remain on this machine. So I get off and swap to a different one, which is much better. During my time on the machine, I see Christine and through my powers of persuasion, convince her to come to Dynamic Core with Best Friend Rachel and me.
After my twenty minutes on the elliptical (yes, you read that right, twenty whole minutes!) we head upstairs and prepare for the death that is Dynamic Core. I don't think Best Friend Rachel and I do a good job of encouraging Christine because all we keep saying is that it's really hard and there are a lot of squats and push ups. I wouldn't want to try it after that recommendation. I at least occasionally interject a "But you'll have fun" so I have to get some credit for kind of trying.
It's a busy night, with all the older women determined to be first into the room. Honestly ladies, let's settle down. It's boring for me to explain each and every thing we do, so just imagine a lot of work with weights and the aforementioned push ups and squats. Oh, and Kiki throws this gem at us. We all are instructed to get an exercise ball (ranging from 2-6 lbs) and to stand next to the bar if we think we'll need it. And then we are instructed to stand (yes, stand) on the exercise ball. A ball. A round thing that we have to keep balanced or literal concussions may happen.
Honestly I felt like a circus elephant, only not supporting other elephants
So, we're in this precarious position and we have to additional squats. I actually do surprise myself with my ability to balance pretty well, but I'm convinced it's because I've practically flattened the ball. I am still a fat person, keep in mind. Other members of the class are much more impressive with their balancing.
Thankfully no concussions happen and class ends with everyone feeling incredibly successful. As Kiki encourages us to say, we are all fabulous. And it's hard not to feel that way when I was just BALANCING ON A FRIGGIN BALL.