Wednesday, October 10, 2012


After a very standard day at work that featured a very difficult 1-minute plank, I drive home to my freezing cold apartment. I contemplate doing some cleaning, but I decide it would be much better to sit around and play MarioKart Wii. Who doesn't prefer video games to housework?

After losing and getting very angry, I decide I should probably clean. But cleaning morphs into removing the A/C unit in my room, which is obnoxiously heavy. And then I have to carry to to the storage room. Bam, cardio and weightlifting done for the day. I then realize that I have to wash my gym clothes, which have not been washed since Saturday and are foul. I throw them in the wash, now realizing that they will not nearly be done in time for a trip to the gym, tonight.

I decide to voice my decision to not go to the gym, and I am met with boos and hisses from my roommate, who tells me I really should go. And it's true, I should. But I really don't want to go in a shirt that is too snug and shorts that may give everyone an eyeful of things that I do not feel comfortable sharing with the world. Especially since I'm not being paid for it.

So, I do yoga, instead. After a series of days (3 total) of not doing anything remotely resembling exercise unless you count lifting a fork in the same motion as one would do bicep curls, I'm amazed by how difficult things are. If there was ever motivation to do yoga consistently, it's the fact that it sucks to start up again after a break.

I sweat a lot and I'm super whiny about the whole thing. If only I had remembered to wash my clothes before I found myself in this position, I would not be acting like such a baby. It all boils down to me being the reason that I can't go to the gym. What a life lesson that is. I am responsible for my own behavior. 

*As a general note, each blog post is made the day after the events in the post. For example, today is October 10th (my birthday, for those who are interested), but the content of the post happened on October 9th. Confusing, I know, but I'm pretty sure you can deal with it.


  1. What yoga video do you use Sam?

  2. DDP Yoga, which I purchased all because I saw this ridiculous video that made me cry like a baby.
