Saturday, November 3, 2012


People. Don't ever let me fall behind again. It's incredibly tough to try and recall enough specifics to make my posts remotely enjoyable for you. Also, follow the stinking thing. Click over to the left. You'll make me feel special.

So today is a CX Works day (Wednesday, for those of you trying to keep track), the class Justin has been harping on me to come to. The one he gave me a ton of flack for missing last week. When he made me cry, remember? He didn't actually make me cry. I hope you all know that. Anyways, I see him when I enter the gym and I can't resist poking fun so I go over and say, "Guess what I'm not going to, tonight? CX Works. I want to take it easy." He buys it, because I am such a phenomenal actor. Except I can't lie for more than 2 seconds about it before I reassure him that I'm actually here for the class.

I go downstairs and change and head back up to the studio. I feel like a pro because I know exactly what equipment to grab. I find my spot and prepare for the worst. Because it's Halloween, Justin and Sarah are dressed up. Sarah looks like a referee, and Justin is the epitome of an 80's workout video. And they throw some 80's music into the mix. It truly is a magical workout experience.

Justin is on the right, Richard Simmons is on the left

Let me take this opportunity to say something that is not at all groundbreaking but it is really encouraging to a fat person who has spent the last month and a half going to the gym: You really do get stronger as you continue. I can hold planks for longer, I'm willing to try something that looks incredibly difficult, I'm able to actually push through the pain (sometimes) and I feel awesome because of it. And holy crap, my confidence in my everyday life is through the roof, now.

It really is an insane change from the days when I used to be convinced that everyone was looking at me and judging me for being out of shape. Some people were even bold enough to say something or make jokes about it. Not anymore. I stand taller, feel better about myself; it's like therapy. And I love therapy. Yes, I realize that makes me sound like a basket case, but who isn't. 

At the end of class, Justin and Sarah give the standard 'No weight training but do cardio' routine. I feel like an idiot, but I double check that swimming falls into the category of cardio, because I am head to the pool after this. So not only do a half hour of intense CX Works, but then I go down to the pool and swim a half mile. A half mile has become my standard.

After a rather uneventful swim (I won't bore you by trying to elaborate on what it's like to think you may actually drown in 3 feet of water) I allow myself a quick steam. My friend Jessi, who shares my apprehension for steam rooms would be glad to know that this too, get's better and easier to stand. It's actually become enjoyable. So stick with the steam room, Jessi. Someday you can be successful at it, like me.

As I exit, I can't help but notice some old guy who is sitting in the hot tub in the nude. Sir the fact that the hot tub is in the gym locker room doesn't make what you're doing something other than skinny dipping. You're like a high school kid only it's lame cause you're by yourself. Put some trunks on.

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