Saturday, November 10, 2012


Holy crap am I feeling it today. My butt is wicked sore, my hamstrings are wicked sore, and the last thing I want to do today is exercise. I moan and groan all day at work (sorry Megan) but talk about how I'm going to go to spin and CX Works. Yeah, my first spin class ever. As the day progresses, it becomes more and more apparent that that is not what will be happening.

I get home from work with every intention of skipping the gym. I even announce it when I get home. 'I'm not going to the gym today. I'm too sore. Don't you dare judge me.' Thankfully (because he's scared of the damage I'll do) Fit Andrew chooses not to mock me. Thanks for being kind.

Andrew goes off to rehearsal and I have nothing to do so I watch some TV. As soon as my episode of The Cleveland Show is over, I think to myself, 'I really should go. I don't want to break my streak on Foursquare.' So, I put my stuff together and head to the gym. I've still got a little time until CX Works which will give me plenty of time to decide where my body is and if going to the class would be a good decision. 

I start off on the elliptical, determined to do at least ten minutes. I do a pretty good job keeping pace and am pleased to notice that with greater resistance, my heart rate isn't increasing as much as it has in the past. In a good way. My heart rate goes up, but it's not too high. Tangible evidence of a greater level of fitness. I do drop my iPhone once, which causes quite a spike, but it comes back down when I see the phone is not broken.

When my ten minutes is up, it's the moment of truth. Do I do CX Works or do I take it a little easy and do weights? My butt and hamstrings are convincing enough and I head to the weight room for some quick sets with weights. Believe it or not, I've started to feel comfortable enough in the weight room that I've stopped paying attention to the people around me. Good in terms of my self esteem and confidence, but bad when it comes to being entertaining. I have failed you and I'm sorry. Please forgive me. There's really nothing left to report.

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